“Hey, you missed a spot!”

Chances are that despite however deep you clean your house, we could probably guess a few spots that you missed! Don’t sweat it, it happens. That’s why we’re considered the professionals 😉 During our deep cleans we leave no stone unturned and no miniblind undusted. If deep cleaning doesn’t fill you with giddy excitement, then call us! We love to clean and would be thrilled to take the job off your shoulders. Read more about our Deep Cleanings.

However, if you are an able-bodied, determined DIY’er then kudos to you! Here are some high touch points in your home you won’t want to miss next time you’re scrubbing away.

  • Light Switches!

    – it’s the first thing we all touch as soon as we walk into our homes and rooms. When the pandemic hit us all with its vicious left-hook combo we got a crash course refresher on ‘high-touch’ points to clean such as doorknobs, phones, or our wallets. Areas that prior to the pandemic, we rarely thought to clean are now being added to all our cleaning checklists. Light switches should be wiped with a sanitary wipe or a microfiber cloth to capture all the germs or you can spray it with your choice of disinfectant.

  • Throw Pillows

    – Before you snip off the tag of your brand-new throw pillow, read over the cleaning instructions. Often times, you can get by with just ‘spot cleaning’ your pillows. But what’s that mean exactly? We recommend by first vacuuming the pillow to collect the hair, dust, allergens, and skin cells (yuck!). Then clean any spots with a warm washcloth and treat with baking soda or an odor-removing spray to freshen them back to life.

  • Handheld Electronics

    – We told you so! Remote controls, phones, game controllers are all touched and shared numerous times within any given day and are you cleaning or disinfecting these each time they swap hands? Didn’t think so! These handheld devices collect more germs than any many other place in your home. They should be at the top of all our cleaning lists. Use a disinfectant spray or a sanitizing wipe for a full clean.

  • Your Cleaning Tools

    – Yup, that’s right. We’re talking about your mop heads, your washcloths and sponges, vacuum filters and even your old school broom. Mop heads and microfiber cloths can easily be washed in a hot cycle in your washing machine, sponges are cheap and should be tossed after just a few uses especially if its been in contact with mold or raw, uncooked meats. Dusters and brooms should be taken outside to be shaken off and brushed thoroughly. Use antibacterial soap and hot water to soak the bristles for awhile before allowing to air dry.

  • The Air in Your Home

    – Last, but certainly not least, the air in your home is crucial to your overall wellbeing and health. When’s the last time you swapped out your air filter for a new one? How often are you dusting your ceiling fan blades? Have you ever cleaned your floor vents or the vents in the ceiling? A huge number of people suffer from allergies and most of these allergies can be found within our homes. Always change your air filter regularly, consider even a hypoallergenic filter. You could also consider an air purifier for high traffic rooms or simply spray a disinfectant aerosol to combat the germs and bacteria.

Thanks so much for reading, have you got tips of your own that you’d like to share? Drop them in the comments below! Also, you can find us on Facebook where you can browse reviews, photos, cleaning tips and more.

Hey, you missed a spot!

Clean Stride